Instagram Marketing And Management Packages

Instagram Advertising: Cost, Strategies, and Tips

If you’re seeking Instagram promotion but unsure about the cost of sponsored ads, ODS is a reputable Instagram Marketing Agency in India. We offer customized Instagram marketing packages that provide new branding opportunities and boost your business revenue. Our average monthly advertising cost on Instagram ranges from Rs. 8,000 to Rs. 18,000. To learn more about Instagram ad costs, keep reading.

How Much Does It Cost to Advertise on Instagram?

Instagram sponsored ads offer a valuable opportunity to promote your brand and products in a friendly and authentic manner, without resorting to aggressive sales tactics. This is why many business owners opt for Instagram sponsored ads as a marketing strategy. Instagram advertising is commonly used to increase brand exposure, drive website traffic, and generate new leads for businesses.

How to Use Instagram Ads to Grow Your Business without Breaking the Bank

The typical cost per click (CPC) for Instagram sponsored ads ranges from 36.69 INR to 146.75 INR, although these figures can vary significantly based on industry and competition. It’s important to note that the cost of placing an ad on Instagram is highly dependent on various factors.

Instagram Promotion Packages


10,000 INR / Monthly
Best for Startups


18,000 INR / Monthly
Best for Small Business


28,000 INR / Monthly
Best for Large Business

The typical cost of Instagram advertising ranges from $0.01 to $3.50, depending on the bidding mechanism chosen. The cost structure for Instagram ads can be categorized into three types: Cost per click (CPC), Cost per engagement (CPE), and Cost per thousand impressions (CPM). CPC refers to the cost per click on the ad, CPE represents the cost per user engagement, and CPM is the cost per thousand impressions. The actual costs can vary based on factors such as targeting, ad relevance, and competition. Advertisers should carefully consider their objectives and budget when planning Instagram ad campaigns.

Cost Per Click (CPC)

In terms of cost per click (CPC) on Instagram, the average range falls between $0.50 and $1. This encompasses all clicks that occur on the ad. Specifically, for destination URLs, the cost per click typically ranges from $0.50 to $0.95. These figures provide an estimate of the expenses associated with clicks and website visits resulting from Instagram advertising. However, it’s important to note that actual CPC can vary depending on factors such as targeting, ad quality, competition, and industry-specific dynamics

Cost Per Engagement (CPE)

You are correct. I apologize for the confusion. Cost per engagement (CPE) on Instagram refers to the cost compared to the total number of engagements on a post, which includes likes, shares, comments, and other types of interactions on your ads. Typically, the cost per engagement ranges from $0.01 to $0.05. This metric allows advertisers to measure the cost effectiveness of their campaigns based on the level of user engagement they receive. However, it’s important to note that the actual CPE can vary depending on factors such as ad content, targeting, audience, and industry dynamics.

Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM)

The average cost per thousand impressions (CPM) for Instagram advertising is approximately $6.70. Demographics also play a crucial role in determining the cost, as targeting specific audience demographics can impact the overall expenses. Advertisers should consider their target demographics and adjust their budget accordingly for effective Instagram ad campaigns.

According to a 2017 study by AdEspresso, the average cost per click (CPC) for Instagram advertising varied from $0.70 to $0.80 across different age ranges. The highest CPC was observed in the age categories of 18-24, 25-34, and 35-44, indicating increased competition in targeting these age groups. However, it’s important to note that these findings are specific to 2017 and may have changed since then. Conducting thorough research is essential for obtaining accurate and up-to-date cost estimations based on age demographics for Instagram ads.

Our Instagram Marketing Services Include

Brand Awareness

The Brand Awareness objective on Instagram is well-suited for businesses aiming to enhance the visibility of their brand. It specifically focuses on maximizing the exposure of your brand to a wide audience. This objective is particularly beneficial for companies that are new to the market or have recently introduced a new product or service. By selecting the Brand Awareness objective, businesses can effectively increase their brand’s recognition and reach on Instagram.

Facebook Traffic Ads

“Traffic” is a specific type of objective in Facebook Ads that aims to drive more traffic to a designated website or landing page. By selecting the “Traffic” objective, Facebook’s algorithm is optimized to deliver your ads to individuals who are more likely to click and visit your specified destination. This objective is effective for businesses seeking to generate website traffic, increase conversions, or encourage user interaction on their landing pages. Facebook’s targeting capabilities and optimization algorithms work together to help businesses maximize their ad reach and drive relevant traffic to their websites or landing pages.

Facebook Engagement Ads

“Engagement” is a specific objective within Facebook Ads that aims to encourage users to interact with your ad or content by liking, commenting, sharing, or taking similar actions. By selecting the “Engagement” objective, Facebook’s algorithm is designed to optimize ad delivery, ensuring that your ads are shown to individuals who are more likely to engage with your content. This objective is particularly useful when businesses want to increase brand interaction, generate buzz, or foster community engagement on their Facebook posts or ads. Facebook’s algorithms analyze user behavior and target individuals who are most likely to actively engage with your content, thus increasing overall engagement metrics.

Facebook Lead Generation

“Lead Generation” is a Facebook Ads objective focused on collecting leads from your target audience. By selecting this objective, Facebook’s algorithm optimizes ad delivery to reach people more likely to provide their contact information in exchange for an offer. It streamlines lead capture within the platform, simplifying the process for users and benefiting businesses seeking to expand their customer base.

App Promotion

The “App Installs” objective in Facebook Ads focuses on driving more people to install your mobile app. By selecting this objective, Facebook’s algorithm optimizes ad delivery to target individuals who are more likely to download and install your app. It helps businesses increase their app’s user base and reach by reaching relevant audiences.

Facebook Sales Objective

The “Catalog Sales” objective in Facebook Ads aims to promote products from your e-commerce catalog and drive sales on your website or app. By selecting this objective, Facebook’s algorithm optimizes ad delivery to reach individuals more likely to make a purchase. It helps businesses maximize their sales potential by targeting the right audience and showcasing their product offerings effectively.

The Cost of Advertising on Facebook and Instagram: A Comparison

When it comes to social media advertising, Instagram and Facebook are the prominent players. Comparing these two platforms in terms of costs is a logical step to evaluate their value for advertising investment. Such a comparison can assist in determining which platform provides the best return on advertising spend. Additionally, it helps in assessing which social media platform offers superior audience reach for your ads. By analyzing the costs and reach of Instagram and Facebook, businesses can make informed decisions about where to allocate their advertising budget and effectively connect with their target audience.

Facebook $6.70 $0.20 – $2.00
Instagram $7.19 $0.97

To maximize the results of your ad campaign, it’s important to consider both the pricing and demographics of Instagram and Facebook. While Facebook can reach a wide range of age groups, Instagram is particularly effective with the 25 to 29 age group. Additionally, Instagram boasts higher engagement compared to its competitors. Choosing the platform that offers the best value is crucial for targeting more customers and achieving improved results, even if it means investing more initially.

Instagram Ads Cost

Business Benchmarks
Average Cost
Instagram CPM (cost per 1000 impressions) Rs 7 to Rs. 13
Instagram CPC (cost per link click) Rs 0.45 to Rs. 3
Instagram CPV (cost per view) Rs 0.3 to Rs. 2
Instagram CPI (cost per install) Rs 30 to Rs. 100
Instagram CPL (cost per lead) Rs 3.5 to Rs. 1500
Instagram CPA (cost per acquisition) Rs 42 to Rs. 2000

Global Instagram Ads Cost

Business Benchmarks
Average Cost
Cost Per Click $0.20 – $0.80
Cost Per Impressions $2.50 to $3.50 per thousand impressions
Cost Per Engagement $0.01 to $0.05

How to Decide if Instagram Advertising is Right for Your Business?

Advertisers prefer Instagram ads due to its extensive user base, visual focus, high engagement levels, precise targeting options, creative ad formats, and seamless integration with Facebook. These factors contribute to its effectiveness in reaching and engaging with the target audience.

How to Increase Your Click-Through Rate on Instagram

When allocating your ad budget across different networks, it is worth noting that Instagram often yields the highest click-through rates (CTRs). According to a survey conducted by Fortune, Instagram advertising demonstrates a click-through rate that is 2.5 times higher than other social media platforms. This indicates that Instagram ads have a higher likelihood of engaging users and driving them to take action, making it an attractive platform for advertisers seeking optimal results.

The Power of Multi-Faceted Targeting

Instagram provides advanced targeting options, including location and interests, allowing advertisers to achieve higher returns on their ads. By narrowing down their targeting to specific interests, such as robotics, advertisers can effectively reach a more relevant audience and improve campaign performance.

Superior Engagement

Instagram boasts an impressive engagement rate, surpassing other social media platforms by 10 times, as revealed in a Forrester study. This high level of engagement enhances the effectiveness of advertising efforts, allowing advertisers to drive desired actions such as clicks, likes, and purchases by reaching and targeting the right audience.

Higher Order Values

Several studies have indicated that the average order value for Instagram advertisers is $65, demonstrating its strength in driving higher sales. In comparison, while Facebook may have a slightly higher overall social media sales volume, the average order value for Facebook ads is around $50, which is lower than that of Instagram. This highlights Instagram’s effectiveness in generating higher-value purchases and potentially providing a better return on investment for advertisers.

Better Conversion Rates

Instagram ads consistently exhibit higher conversion rates compared to other social media networks. On average, Instagram ads achieve a conversion rate of 1.08 percent. In comparison, Pinterest ads have a conversion rate of 0.54 percent, while Twitter ads have a conversion rate of 0.77 percent.

While the cost of Instagram ads may be justified by these higher conversion rates, it is crucial to recognize that achieving desirable outcomes on Instagram requires a well-executed ad campaign. To attain the desired results, advertisers must continuously create and optimize their advertising strategies on the platform. Consistent effort and optimization are key to maximizing the effectiveness of Instagram ads and generating the desired return on investment.

How Much Does Instagram Advertising Cost?

In general, four factors have a significant impact in deciding Instagram advertising prices.

Anticipated Action Rates

The estimated action rates directly impact Instagram advertising costs based on audience responsiveness. Higher engagement probabilities result in lower bid values, leading to more leads and conversions. Prioritizing quality content increases the likelihood of engagement and ad performance. Creating attractive ads can drive better results and maximize campaign effectiveness on Instagram.

Prevailing Competition

The cost of running Instagram ads is influenced by the level of competition in the market. Increased competition for the same target audience can drive up advertising costs. Bidding wars can occur as businesses compete for top ad placements, leading to higher CPCs. Monitoring the competitive landscape is important to manage ad costs effectively. Advertisers may need to adjust bidding strategies to stay competitive while controlling costs.

Ad Relevancy Score

The cost of Instagram advertising is influenced by the ad relevancy score, which indicates how relevant Instagram perceives your ad to be for its users. Instagram aims to deliver relevant content to its users, and the ad relevancy score is determined by people’s reactions to your ad.

A higher relevancy score is achieved when users respond positively to your ad through actions like clicking, commenting, and liking. Conversely, negative responses such as hiding the ad can result in a lower ad relevancy score, negatively impacting ad performance.

A higher ad relevancy score can help optimize costs and improve the effectiveness of your Instagram ads. By creating engaging and relevant content that resonates with your target audience, you can increase your ad relevancy score and potentially achieve better ad performance at a lower cost.

Bid Amount

The bid amount you set directly impacts your spending on Instagram ads. It is essential to determine your desired budget for acquiring sales leads. The bidding amount is typically proportional to the ad spend, meaning that higher bids result in higher costs.

For example, if you have a budget of $1000 and set a bid of $5 per click, you would receive approximately 200 clicks on your Instagram ad. Conversely, a bid amount of $1500 with a cost of $10 per click would yield around 150 clicks. Generally, higher per click amounts lead to fewer clicks or impressions.

Understanding the relationship between bidding amount and ad performance is crucial in optimizing your Instagram ad campaign. By carefully balancing your bid strategy and budget, you can effectively allocate resources to achieve your desired results within the available ad spend.

Other Factors Influencing Instagram Ad Cost

Apart from these ones, there are several other factors that determine the advertising costs on the Instagram platform.


Other Factors Influencing Instagram Ad Cost


Targeting females through Instagram ads is often more expensive compared to targeting males. This is due to higher engagement rates and increased competition among advertisers for the female demographic. The inherent nature of females on the platform makes them more easily engageable, driving up advertising costs. Advertisers should consider these factors when strategizing their Instagram ad campaigns.

Holidays And Events

During holidays and special occasions, advertising on Instagram tends to be more costly compared to regular days. This is due to increased competition as more businesses target customers during these periods. As people spend more time on social media platforms during holidays, allocating additional funds to Instagram advertising can help you reach your target audience effectively. Being aware of the heightened competition and adjusting your budget accordingly can maximize the impact of your Instagram ads during these peak times.

The Market

The market segment you aim to target has an impact on the cost of your Instagram advertising. For B2B firms, advertising on Instagram may be costlier due to the limited presence of companies on the platform compared to individuals. However, certain sectors such as beauty and apparel often require higher advertising costs due to the competitive nature of these industries. Understanding the specific dynamics of your target market segment can help you allocate your advertising budget effectively on Instagram.

Types Of Instagram Ads

Advertisers may pick from four different types of Instagram advertising. Let’s have a look at them now.

Instagram Story Ads

Instagram story ads have become a popular choice among advertisers as they allow for effective promotion of products and services to a targeted audience. People’s affinity for checking stories contributes to the success of these ads, with approximately 33% of users engaging with Instagram stories created by businesses. This indicates a strong interest in hearing what brands and businesses have to share through this storytelling format. Leveraging Instagram story ads can be a valuable strategy to connect with your audience and communicate your brand message effectively.

Instagram stories utilize the full screen space, capturing the complete attention of viewers when they see your story ad. This immersive experience enhances audience engagement and encourages them to interact with and explore your products or services. Despite being a newer feature, Instagram story ads have proven to generate significant results for businesses, making them a valuable tool for driving audience response and achieving marketing objectives.

Instagram Photo Ads

Photo ads are a popular and widely used advertising tool on Instagram, appearing as images in the audience’s newsfeed. These ads can be in square or portrait format and include a CTA button and sponsored flag. Choosing the right photo is crucial, as it should align with the aesthetic of Instagram and avoid looking overly stock-like to ensure maximum engagement. Opting for a photo that resembles a regular Instagram post while reflecting your brand’s image can help create an effective ad campaign that resonates with your target audience.

Instagram Video Ads

Video ads on Instagram provide a powerful advertising option that utilizes the engaging capabilities of videos. These ads are similar to photo ads but feature a video instead, with a maximum duration of 60 seconds. Videos have proven to be highly effective in capturing attention, and when a targeted audience scrolls through their Instagram feed, the video ad automatically plays, instantly grabbing their attention. By carefully crafting a compelling video ad, you can captivate your audience and effectively convey your message on the platform.

It is crucial to optimize your video ads on Instagram, considering that they autoplay without sound. To ensure that viewers don’t miss important information, it’s important to include key details in a visually compelling manner. Avoid highlighting the most critical part of the video within the initial few seconds, as viewers may be scrolling through their feed and might not have their sound turned on. By strategically incorporating essential information throughout the video and using captivating visuals, you can effectively engage your audience and convey your message even without sound.

Instagram Carousel Ads

Carousel Ads on Instagram offer a versatile and engaging format for advertisers to showcase their products or tell a compelling story. By uploading multiple photos or videos within a single post, you can provide your audience with a range of options and visually highlight different aspects of your offerings.

For example, if you’re promoting a series of books, a single photo may not effectively capture the variety or depth of the collection. However, with a carousel ad, you can include images of different book versions, covers, or even a video to create a more engaging and immersive experience for your audience. This allows you to showcase the diversity and appeal of your products, ultimately increasing the chances of capturing your audience’s interest and driving engagement.

Carousel ads on platforms like Instagram provide a dynamic and engaging way to showcase multiple images or videos, capturing audience attention and generating higher levels of interest in your offerings. This interactive format allows users to swipe through the carousel and explore the content, increasing engagement and driving conversions.

How to Keep Your Instagram Ad Costs Low

To lower your Instagram advertising costs, focus on targeting a specific and relevant audience to minimize wasted ad spend. Create compelling and visually appealing ad content that resonates with your target audience, increasing engagement and reducing costs per interaction. Regularly monitor and analyze your ad performance to identify areas for optimization, such as adjusting bidding strategies or refining targeting options. Finally, consider utilizing A/B testing and ad scheduling to optimize your ads and reach your audience at the most effective times.

1: Prefer To Use Automatic Bidding

Using automatic bidding for your Instagram advertising campaign is a smart choice, especially if you’re new to the platform or lack historical data. Automatic bidding allows the system to optimize your bids based on real-time auction data, ensuring that you get the best possible results for your budget. It takes the guesswork out of setting CPC (cost per click) and helps you achieve a balance between cost and performance.

Using automatic bidding for your Instagram advertising is a wise strategy to avoid overbidding and effectively allocate your ad budget. Without historical data, it can be difficult to determine the optimal bid amount, leading to potential overspending. Automatic bidding takes the guesswork out of the equation and sets the appropriate bid based on real-time data, helping you save money while still reaching your target audience effectively.

2: Use Smart Targeting

Precise targeting is a crucial aspect of successful Instagram advertising, as it allows advertisers to reach their desired audience effectively. By selecting specific parameters such as demographics, interests, and behaviors, advertisers can tailor their ads to the right people, increasing the chances of generating higher engagement and interest in their products and services. The more precise the targeting, the more relevant the ads become, resulting in better outcomes and maximizing the return on investment for the advertising campaign.

Advertisers on Instagram have access to a range of targeting options to reach their desired audience effectively. They can leverage location targeting, which allows them to focus on people based on their geographic location, ranging from broad national targeting to specific postal or pin codes. By understanding the interests of the audience, advertisers can tailor their Instagram ads to appeal to specific areas of interest, such as art or technology. Demographic targeting, including factors like age, gender, and interests, helps advertisers reach the right demographic segments for their products or services.

Behavioral targeting enables advertisers to target individuals based on their online behavior patterns, such as browsing habits or social media engagement. Custom audiences provide the opportunity to reach people who have already shown interest in the advertiser’s business by utilizing details like email addresses. Additionally, lookalike audiences allow advertisers to target individuals who share similar traits to their existing customer base, expanding their reach to potential customers who may be interested in their offerings.

Precise targeting helps advertisers connect with people actively seeking the products or services they offer. By creating relevant and engaging ads, advertisers can attract more leads, drive conversions, and ultimately increase sales. It is essential to invest effort in crafting ads that resonate with the target audience to maximize the effectiveness of Instagram advertising campaigns.

3: Define Objectives

When running an Instagram ad campaign, it is crucial to have specific goals in mind to drive the desired outcomes. Some common goals include increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, boosting engagement, generating leads, increasing sales, and promoting app installs. Defining clear objectives helps guide your campaign strategy and measure its success.


When running an awareness campaign on Instagram, the primary objective is to increase visibility and exposure for your business, brand, product, app, or service. To achieve this, it is recommended to manage a CPM (Cost per Mille) campaign, where you pay for every thousand impressions your ad receives. This allows you to reach a larger audience and maximize brand awareness within your target market.


When aiming to achieve consideration through your Instagram ads, it is important to focus on providing valuable information that educates and convinces your audience to take action. You can optimize your ads to generate more website views, clicks, and leads by directing users to specific landing pages or offering compelling content that encourages engagement and consideration. This objective is geared towards guiding potential customers through the decision-making process and nurturing their interest in your product or service.



The ultimate goal for many businesses is to drive sales through their Instagram ads, whether it’s purchasing a product, registering on a website, subscribing to an app, or opting for a service. To achieve this objective, it is crucial to create compelling copy and visuals that persuade and motivate people to make a purchase without any hesitation.

Setting clear objectives for your Instagram campaign is essential as they serve as a roadmap for achieving success. These objectives guide the creation of your ad content, ensuring that it aligns with your desired outcome and resonates with your target audience, ultimately increasing the likelihood of driving sales and achieving your business goals.


4: Have Smart Landing Pages

Creating highly relevant landing pages can significantly impact your Instagram ad costs. Many businesses make the mistake of directing incoming traffic to their website’s homepage, which often results in poor ad engagement and relevancy for the visitors. To address this issue, it is strongly recommended to have dedicated landing pages that align with the content of your ads and provide visitors with a more relevant experience.

For example, if you’re promoting a fashionable clothing line, your ad URL should lead to a page specifically showcasing your newest collection, rather than the general homepage that features your entire store. By directing visitors to a landing page that focuses on the product highlighted in the ad, you increase the likelihood of conversions and ultimately generate more value from your Instagram ad campaign.

Relevant landing pages play a crucial role in driving conversions because visitors are more likely to take action when they find what they saw in the ad directly on the landing page. This not only improves the user experience but also helps advertisers recoup the costs of their Instagram ad campaign by maximizing conversion rates.


5: Ad Testing

Testing your Instagram ads is crucial for optimizing your campaign and reducing costs. The initial version of your ad may not be the most effective, which is why conducting tests is essential to ensure you are delivering the best possible version.

Ad testing allows you to refine your ad copy and make it more relevant to your target audience. When your ad copy resonates with your audience, it improves the ad’s relevancy score, leading to higher ad placements and a more reasonable cost per click (CPC). This, in turn, helps you save money on your Instagram advertising costs.

By testing different variations of your ads, such as different headlines, visuals, or call-to-actions, you can gather data and insights to identify which elements perform best. This iterative approach enables you to continuously improve the effectiveness of your ads, optimize your budget, and ultimately achieve better results for your Instagram advertising campaign.


Instagram Growth Packages

On Instagram, visual content is the key to successful advertising as text ads are not effective on the platform. Utilizing images, image carousels, or videos accompanied by concise and engaging text helps capture the attention of your audience. It is crucial to create an optimized and attractive profile that reflects your brand identity and provides a clear description of your products or services. Implementing an intelligent engagement strategy, actively interacting with your audience and analyzing campaign performance, enables you to make data-driven decisions for optimization.

To ensure the best results for our clients, we offer Instagram promotion packages categorized as Bronze, Silver, and Gold plans. These packages provide flexibility for clients to choose a suitable Instagram marketing package based on their budget and specific business needs. With our expertise, we can help create an effective Instagram advertising campaign that leverages captivating visuals, optimizes profile presence, implements strategic engagement, and utilizes data analysis for continuous improvement.


Affordable Instagram Promotion Packages

ODS offers tailored Instagram marketing strategies and affordable promotion packages to deliver optimal results for your business.

Grow Your Business with Instagram Marketing

Our approach is focused on delivering tangible results for your Instagram marketing efforts. With our expertise and innovative strategies, we can enhance your customer reach, drive more traffic to your profile, increase engagement with your audience, and boost conversions for your business. We have a range of unique ideas to elevate your Instagram Marketing Campaigns, such as cross-promoting your hashtag on other social profiles, employing creative and artistic hashtags, crafting expressive captions, leveraging influencer marketing, developing a distinct Instagram style, and targeting local audiences. Let us guide you towards maximizing your business growth and earning potential on Instagram.

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Get Started with Affordable Instagram Marketing Today!

Choose ODS, the trusted Instagram Marketing Agency, for effective and affordable Instagram marketing solutions tailored to your business needs.

Instagram Advertising Cost FAQs

Instagram Marketing for Beginners

To kickstart your Instagram marketing journey, partner with a reputable and experienced Instagram Marketing Agency that has a proven track record of assisting numerous businesses in achieving success on the platform.

Instagram Marketing Services

An Instagram Marketing Agency consists of a team of skilled professionals dedicated to helping businesses flourish and achieve success on the Instagram platform.

How to Make Money on Instagram?

Instagram has the potential to be highly profitable for businesses once they reach a certain level of followers. On average, businesses with over 10,000 followers can earn approximately $88.00 per post, while those with 100,000 followers can make around $200.00 per post.

The Basics of Instagram Marketing

Instagram Marketing is the practice of promoting a business on the popular Instagram app. It involves creating and sharing high-quality content, both organic and sponsored, to engage with and expand the reach of a larger audience. The goal is to leverage Instagram’s platform to influence and attract potential customers for the business.

Cost of Hiring an Instagram Manager

It is highly recommended to enlist the services of a professional and experienced Instagram Marketing Agency to manage your Instagram account. The cost of hiring such an agency can range from 165 USD to 480 USD, depending on various factors and the scope of services provided. Investing in the expertise of an Instagram Marketing Agency can yield significant benefits and ensure effective management of your Instagram presence.

Instagram Management Costs

It is crucial to entrust your Instagram account management to a professional and experienced Instagram Marketing Agency like ODS. The cost of hiring ODS for managing your Instagram can range from 165 USD to 480 USD per month, depending on the specific requirements and scope of services. Investing in ODS’s expertise ensures effective and strategic management of your Instagram presence, leading to improved results and a stronger online presence for your business.

Instagram Pay Per Follower

Instagram account holders with over 1 million followers are highly regarded as influencers, and they have the potential to earn substantial income from brand collaborations. On average, influencers with 1 million followers can make more than $250,000 from brand partnerships and sponsored content. These influencers leverage their large and engaged audience to promote products and services, making them valuable partners for brands seeking to reach a wide and targeted customer base. The earnings can vary depending on factors such as niche, engagement rate, and the influencer’s reputation and reach.